7 Day Gosaikunda Lake Trek

$ 0.00

Why the 7 Day Gosaikunda Lake Trek is so popular amongst the trekkers? Is it because of the scenic views from the mighty lake itself? Or, the challenging journey that leads to this heavenly lake? The only way to find out is to go on this expedition.

Let’s pack our backpacks and start this adventurous expedition. A journey that will take you through the forests, walking alongside the rivers, and also giving you a heavenly view of the mountain peaks and the landscapes.

We start our trek at the capital Kathmandu (1400 meters). We will arrange a session to discuss the whole expedition and prepare the necessary gear and equipment.

The next day we head toward Dhunche (2030 meters) via bus or a jeep. Along the zigzag road, admiring the lush hills from the window enjoying the river stream and the fauna and a few mountain peaks. We then reach Dhunche, a small village in Rasuwa district also known as the gateway for Gosaikunda Trek.

Spending a night here, tomorrow we head towards Chandanwari Village ( 2895 meters).

On the third day of the expedition, we trek in the uphill section during the initial phase, which will get further steeper down the line. Passing through cascades and streamlets, surrounded by lush hills and pine forests, we finally reach Chandanwari Village. Sitting in the lap of the pine forests, the views are astounding.

Moreover, the Yak Cheese Factory and monasteries are quite popular in this region. There are multiple tea shops and lodges from which we can choose to stay overnight.

Tomorrow early in the morning we head towards our destination Gosaikunda Lake (4380 meters). The path leading to the lake is quite challenging, as the trail is an uphill section, with narrow and rocky paths. Also, the cold breeze air at the higher altitude can make you question why are you even doing this.

However, the scenic views of the mighty lake surrounded by the mountain peaks are just phenomenal. You will forget all those tiresome journeys that you made you get here. For the night you will be accommodating here.

Next morning having breakfast and watching the sunrise with a view of the lake and mountain peaks we now head back to Dhunche village. Following the same trail we came up, after 7 to 8 hours of trekking we reach Dhunche where we will be accommodating for the night.

The next morning, we headed back to the capital via bus or a jeep and spent the next day as well in the capital exploring the nearby places. This marks the end of the 7 Day Gosaikunda Lake Trek with Mercy Holidays.

Best Time for 7 Days Gosaikunda Lake Trek

The months of March, April, and May are the Spring seasons. Expeditions during these months are considered best amongst any other season. The flowers start to bloom during the start of the spring season and the leaves begin to sprout in multiple plants and trees. The vibrant color of the floras in the middle and near the end of the spring season makes your expedition more beautiful to trek.

Similarly, the months of September, October, and November are the Autumn seasons. The flora changes color and starts falling off from the branches during this season. This creates a soft layer of carpet on the trail of your expedition. Furthermore, the clear sky makes the journey more pleasing to the eyes.

Difficulty Level of the Gosaikunda Lake Trek

The initial phase of the trek is quite easy with a steady uphill. But as we move further the trail gets narrower and more rocky and the path also gets steeper. At some point in the path leading to Gosaikunda Lake, at a higher altitude, you will be faced with cold breeze air. So you have to prepare yourself accordingly.

Other than that, the entire expedition is considered moderate for the trekkers. So anyone can complete this trek if they are physically fit. The food you eat and the amount of rest you get on the journey also affect your overall performance.

Fooding and Lodging services Throughout the Trek

Along the trail, we will find multiple tea shops and lodges where we can accommodate for the night. These places will provide you with basic amenities which is enough for us to stay overnight. However, you have a choice to pick according to your budget accordingly.

Similarly, regarding food, most places offer steamed rice, lentils, and seasonal vegetables (dal,bhat, and tarkari). In addition, some of the lodges provide international cuisine like Indian, Tibetan, Continental, etc.

  • Reviews 0 Reviews
  • Vacation Style Holiday Type
    • Activity Level Moderate