Pikey Peak

Pikey Peak Trek – Cost and Itinerary for 2024 and 2025

$ 0.00

Pikey Peak is a trekking destination in the Solu region of Nepal, offering stunning panoramic views of the Himalayas, including Mount Everest. Many trekkers who have previously been to the Pikey Peak trek claim that Pikey Peak gives the best view of Mount Everest. Even Sir Edmund Hillary claimed this Peak trek to be one of his favorites.

With Mercy Holidays, trekkers can complete the Pikey Peak trek in 11 days right from the Kathmandu arrival to the departure. The actual trek starts from a place called Dhap which is 7-8 hours from Kathmandu. Trekkers will reach Dhap by road from Kathmandu and then finish sightseeing here in Kathmandu on the second day. After staying for a night in Dhap, trekkers will start the journey that takes them to Pikey Peak (4065 m) on the sixth day.

Trekkers will start getting the majestic views of Everest and Numbur Himal from Jhapre. Remember that these scenes accompany you throughout the trial. Besides that, as Pikey Peak is a comparatively less-traveled trial in the Solu region, it will be a rather peaceful journey. Also, this is a great opportunity to explore the culture and tradition of the Himalayan inhabitants like Sherpa, Tamangs, and Gurungs.

The entire trial passes through lush valleys and green forests with dense rhododendron forests if traveled in the spring season. Finally, one of the major reasons for the popularization of Pikey Peak Trek among the trekkers and travelers is because of the mesmerizing sunrise view seen from the Pikey Peak.

Highlights of Pikey Peak Trek

  • A beautiful exploration of the Solu region with amazing panoramic views of Mount Everest.
  • Once-in-a-lifetime peak climbing experience with comparatively lesser physical strain and preparation required.
  • A perfect way to prepare for any other higher-peak climbing if you plan to do so in the future.
  • Great opportunity to explore the culture and tradition of the Himalayan inhabitants like Sherpa, Tamangs, and Gurungs.
  • Reviews 1 Review
  • Vacation Style Holiday Type
    • Activity Level Strenuous
    All about the Pikey Peak Trek – Cost and Itinerary for 2024 and 2025.

    Pikey Peak is a trekking destination in the Solu region of Nepal, offering stunning panoramic views of the Himalayas, including Mount Everest. Many trekkers who have previously been to the Pikey Peak trek claim that Pikey Peak gives the best view of Mount Everest. Even Sir Edmund Hillary claimed this Peak trek to be one of his favorites.

    With Mercy Holidays, trekkers can complete the Pikey Peak trek in 11 days right from the Kathmandu arrival to the departure. The actual trek starts from a place called Dhap which is 7-8 hours from Kathmandu. Trekkers will reach Dhap by road from Kathmandu and then finish sightseeing here in Kathmandu on the second day. After staying for a night in Dhap, trekkers will start the journey that takes them to Pikey Peak (4065 m) on the sixth day.

    Trekkers will start getting the majestic views of Everest and Numbur Himal from Jhapre. Remember that these scenes accompany you throughout the trial. Besides that, as Pikey Peak is a comparatively less-traveled trial in the Solu region, it will be a rather peaceful journey. Also, this is a great opportunity to explore the culture and tradition of the Himalayan inhabitants like Sherpa, Tamangs, and Gurungs.

    The entire trial passes through lush valleys and green forests with dense rhododendron forests if traveled in the spring season. Finally, one of the major reasons for the popularization of Pikey Peak Trek among the trekkers and travelers is because of the mesmerizing sunrise view seen from the Pikey Peak.

    Outline Itinerary

    1st Day: Kathmandu arrival

    2nd Day: Sightseeing and Trek Preparation

    3rd Day: Drive from Kathmandu to Dhap (2900 meters)

    4th Day: Trek from Dhap to Jhapre (9580 feet/2920 m)

    5th Day: Jhapre to Pikey Base Camp (3640 meters)

    6th Day: Pikey Base Camp to Pikey Peak Summit (4065 meters) and descend to Loding (2515 meters)

    7th Day: Loding to Junbesi

    8th Day: Downhill Trek from Junbesi to Phaplu (2459 m), and Exploring the Chiwong Monastery

    9th Day: Phaplu to Kathmandu

    10th Day: Free Exploration in Kathmandu

    11th Day: Fly back to Home or connect to your next destination

    1. Day 1 Kathmandu arrival

      On the first day, you will arrive at the Kathmandu airport. The travelers will be picked up by the Mercy Holidays staff and dropped into their hotels. After taking a rest for the whole day or roaming around the hotel area (whatever you want to do), the welcome dinner is on us. With a beautifully set environment and mouth-watering Nepali cuisine, we welcome all travelers for the adventure of Pikey Peak.

    2. Day 2 Sightseeing and Trek Preparation

      The second day is dedicated to the tourists roaming around Kathmandu city. We take you to different places around Kathmandu including the Swayambhunath Temple, Bhaktapur Durbar Square, and Basantapur Durbar Square. Besides, the trekkers can also go around by themselves and check out different places in the Kathmandu valley.

      After sightseeing, we will start preparing for the Pikey Peak trekking journey. Our team will make sure that you have all the requirements needed for a safe and obstacle-free trekking to the Pikey Peak. Furthermore, we will also help the trekkers understand the journey and Pikey trial, its difficulties, and its adventures. Furthermore, we also briefly describe what to and what not to do throughout the journey.

    3. Day 3 Drive from Kathmandu to Dhap (2900 meters)

      On the third day, we will start our journey to Pikey Peak trek. The Mercy Holiday’s representatives will pick you up in a four-wheeler and within 7-8 hours we reach Dhap. In between, we take a break for lunch at Nepal Thok and then again continue a road trip full of beautiful scenarios, waterfalls, and cattle grazing with a smooth road almost from the start to the end.

      When you reach Dhap, the Mercy team will already have an overnight stay ready in the best lodge. You can take a proper rest that night because the next day, it’s all about walking up to Pikey Peak.

    4. Day 4 Trek from Dhap to Jhapre (9580 feet/2920 m)

      This is where our trekking journey starts. After a perfect rest in the lodge, we will wake up early in the morning, have our breakfast, and start a trekking journey to Jhapre. Throughout the walk, the trekkers are accompanied by sparsely populated villages. The experienced guides from Mercy Holidays will help travelers interact with the locals staying in this area. Moreover, the walk gets even better because of the dense forest filled with Rhododendron (the national flower of Nepal).

      After walking for approximately 4-5 hours, and covering a total distance of 13 kilometers, we will finally reach another checkpoint of the Pikey Peak trek, Jhapre. After putting our backpacks and other belongings in the lodge, you can either take a rest or even go around and capture the memories of Jhapre.

    5. Day 5 Jhapre to Pikey Base Camp (3640 meters)

      Today is the day when the trekkers arrive at the Pikey Base Camp. This is just one step below the actual stop of our journey, Pikey Peak. After staying overnight in the lodge at Jhapre, the trekkers will wake up early in the morning and start walking up to the Base Camp (3640 meters).

      The journey from Jhapre to Pikey Base Camp requires the travelers to walk for 5-6 hours and you need to cover a total distance of 9.5 kilometers. As usual in this hike, a dense rhododendron forest accompanies you along with terraced farmlands and the majestic view of the tallest peak, Mount Everest.

      After reaching the Pikey Base Camp, we will take a stop right there and stay overnight in a lodge. We recommend you rest to the fullest on that night because the day after that will be a special one.

    6. Day 6 Pikey Base Camp to Pikey Peak Summit (4065 meters) and descend to Loding (2515 meters)

      As mentioned above, day 6 is the most amazing day throughout the Pikey Peak trekking journey. After waking up early in the morning, freshening up, trekkers will set up for a hike to the Pikey Peak Summit. The best thing about this day is that travelers will get to see the sunrise from the top of Pikey Peak (4065 meters).

      We will spend a few hours here watching the mesmerizing sunrise view along with the scenic view of Mount Everest, trekkers will set up on a journey down to the Pikey Base Camp and then to Loding. Loding is situated at an altitude of 2515 meters. Besides, the hikers need to walk for 8-9 hours.

      Even though we descend on this day, it will be a tiring journey as it requires us to walk for almost a quarter of the day, we will stay overnight in a lodge at Loding.

    7. Day 7 Loding to Junbesi

      The overnight stay in Loding will be very relaxing after such a tiring walk from 4065 meters to 2515 meters. However, we will again resume our descent and reach Junbesi. This is the place where we will also visit the Thubtenchoeling Monastery.

      During the walk, we will also cross a river at the bottom of the town and climb up a dense forest to Salung. Also, the best thing about this journey is the amazing views of Mount Everest, Mount Makalu, and Chamlang along with the Chiwong Monastery.

      After a day full of adventures and exploration through different monasteries, forests, and sparsely populated villages, we will stay for the night at a lodge in Junbesi.

    8. Day 8 Downhill Trek from Junbesi to Phaplu (2459 m), and Exploring the Chiwong Monastery

      Our descending journey continues as the trekkers wake up early in the morning and walk down from Junbest to Phaplu. Day 8 will require us to walk for about 5-6 hours. Today, there will be a slight change in the  Pikey Peak trekking route. We will leave the main route and descend to Phaplu via dense forest.

      While walking down the route, you can also take a break hike up a little, and explore the Chiwong Monastery (a holy monastery built in 1923). Also, trekkers can go around and take a sightseeing adventure around Phaplu surroundings and then stay there for the night.

    9. Day 9 Phaplu to Kathmandu

      Congratulations! You have successfully ended your walking journey to the Pikey Peak trekking and today is the day we return to Kathmandu. The journey from Phaplu to Kathmandu will depend on the weather. If the weather is fine, we will take a flight back to Kathmandu. However, in cases you want to go by road or the weather is also not so good for flights to operate, we can drive back to the capital city.

      If we take a flight, we will reach Kathmandu within an hour but a road trip will take around 7-8 hours. Once you reach Kathmandu, you can put your luggage and backpacks in the lodge and go around the city or take a rest.

    10. Day 10 Free Exploration in Kathmandu

      The tenth day is the day for you. It’s completely a choice of the trekkers whether they want to go for a free or guided exploration around the Kathmandu valley. Our staff is ready to take you around the city and help you try out some of the best cuisines in the Kathmandu Valley while visiting some of the memorable places here.

      After that, we will get back to the lodge, where Mercy Holidays will organize a farewell party and dinner for the travelers. You can celebrate that night and then rest in the same lodge because the day after that is the day of return.

    11. Day 11 Fly back to Home or connect to your next destination

      Did you like the PikeyPeak Trek all the way? That’s what we will ask you while taking you to the airport. From there our representatives will help you reach the flight and you will return to your home.